Warrior Women


Fall Retreat

October 14-20

Dominical, Costa Rica

Prices range from $2,250 to $3,000

A magical gateway to another country?

A deeply intentional transition?

Are you craving radical change ?

total transformation like yesterday?

Does the word ‘retreat’ resonate?


And if so...do you have the courage to answer?

Calling all women who are looking for something MORE.

Something DEEPER..

Something more GRATIFYING.

In Life . Your Career . Your Body.

Freedom . Faith . Financial Security..


We call it a deep dive into your heart, to discover your innermost calling. This formula we’ve taught to thousands of women around the world to wake up our Warrior Woman wings and fly into a new realm of existence.  Or shall we say, the old realm of simplicity, leaving “crazy busy” behind and replacing it with “crazy happy”.

We have taught this in online programs, but this time, based on popular demand, we’ve bundled it up into 7 dreamy days, lead by 2 Warrior Women on a mission with a vision, Diane Kazer and Lunden Souza.

Diane Kazer, aka Hormone Warrior Diane

Hi, I’m Di. My spirit animal is Unicorn and my favorite color is rainbow!   

I am an X-Pro Soccer Player, now Worldwide Entrepreneur, Life Coach and Nutrition Practitioner with a background in yoga, personal training and environmental wellness.  

And girl, let me tell you…I have struggled SO MUCH with hormone, skin, energy, addiction, mood and gut issues. Because of it, I have endless compassion and empathy for women suffering the same. While it was no walk in the park, these health struggles, later became my passion. Cystic acne, horrible PMS, urinary tract infections (UTIs), parasites, viruses, autoimmune disease, leaky gut…and more. I’ve been through it all and I am SO grateful. It motivated me to become a root-cause researcher, acquire 6 certifications in wellness and learn everything I could possibly learn from the very best experts and doctors in the world.  With that dedication and belief, I am proud to say I self treated and reversed all of them, naturally.

In my pursuit of knowledge to heal, I travelled, mainly solo, to over 20 countries, and immersed myself into yoga, natural medicine, nutrition, food, culture and…LOVE.  I worked alongside doctors in India, using Ayurveda, and others in Thailand, using Chinese Medicine. It was then I began to heal and I became HOOKED. Passionately curious and eager, I returned to America promising God to follow my path to restore the ancient wisdom of plant medicine.

Today I support women around the world, to not only heal from emotional and hormonal problems, but to radically transform their entire life. And teach them to become health coaches, full time or casually, sharing this wisdom with others. My approach is a breath of fresh air and unique work of art, with play, self love, nourishing food and a low-toxin beauty routine.

Alongside my partner, Lunden, we teach women to learn and lovingly listen to the wisdom of their bodies so they can be their own greatest healer.  

Lunden Souza, aka LifeLikeLunden

Hi! I’m Lunden! As a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Runtastic Fitness Coach and healthy lifestyle planner, it is my goal to help you get in shape and to maintain a healthy & fit lifestyle.I am passionate about positivity and helping YOU get out of your comfort zone.

I have been in the fitness and wellness space for over a decade. And, as expected, I have made a ton of mistakes and spent a ton of money on things that DO NOT work. I went from thinking that I was living the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I knew, to finding out that my adrenals were completely shot and my hormones in absolute chaos. I have been there, I know what it takes to repair your body from the inside out to create change that lasts.

I’ve learned that doing less can unleash more within, that crazy PASSION and crazy HAPPINESS and crazy CONNECTEDNESS pay so much more dividends than crazy busy ever will.

My passion is more than just “mainstream” fitness and health. It is a mindset and a way of life. It is about changing the way you think about and treat yourself and understanding and embracing the fact that it takes a lot of consistent work, play and fun to get there #enjoytheride. I believe that everyone has the ability to be the healthiest, sexiest version of themselves, and that does not always have to mean the skinniest or most ripped. Helping you tackle your goals one by one is what motivates me to wake up every single morning… what can we do to improve you?


Our mission is to teach Women Warriors to discover their purpose, design their dreams, and live their life intentionally, energetically and consciously.   Our mantra is – Live more, laugh harder and love deeper. We do this with our CHI Trilogy approach – Cleanse your Body, Heal your Hormones, Ignite your life. Founded on self love, sisterhood and spirituality, our clients cultivate a deeper relationship with themselves, their loved ones and God.

So we can take a bigger stand, with a stronger voice, for ourselves, our families and our planet.

Where There’s a Warrior, There’s a Way.

And we believe, wholeheartedly, that the formula we teach, is the way.


In this secret sauce immersion, you will experience an awakening within you, soul secrets, hidden inside of you, yearning to surface.

You are only as strong as your roots.

And you are only as passionate as your purpose.

Without these you are simply “getting by”.

Consider this your catalyst, the spark to inform you that greatness exists within you.

A greatness full of life, that just needs a gentle nudge, a reminder to tune in.

To listen.

To love.

To laugh.

To just…BE….

Be Present…

And reintegrate as whole – mind, body, spirit, heart.

Come as you are.

Leave liberated.

Return renewed.


This retreat is intended to treat symptoms of hormonal overwhelm, self sabotage and chronic fatigue.


May include: total bliss, feeling ‘alive’ again, freedom, weight loss, hormone harmony, a happy heart, a new sense of purpose, bad-ass balance, renewed passion for life, six pack abs from deep belly laughter, bright eyes, connection to self and confidence that will last a lifetime.


If you’re thinking, “I need this, I deserve this, I want to do this!”

Don’t even think about it.

The moment you step away from this feeling, your ego will trickle in and whisper ‘Who are you to take time off work, spend the money, invest in yourself?’  Then you’ll lose the momentum of the dream.

And back to the life of feeling like there’s something ‘bigger inside of you’ continues to fester.

You’ll see pictures later on of these ladies fully immersed in retreat mode, wishing you would have said YES to yourself.

Do NOT do that to yourself.

Because…this is not your average trip…and you will regret missing out.



Comparable to a luxurious boutique hotel, this beautiful property will serve as our sanctuary for the week. A spacious 12,000sq. ft., two-story villa perching on top of a hillside overlooking Panama Bay, it’s as if it were MADE for us. It features a large west-facing sun terrace and an aquarium infinity pool, where you will have time to relax during your free time.

Leave your work behind, all of this will be waiting to greet you

And these optional add-on’s:


Rooms vary from large, garden view, shared double occupancy to larger ocean view shared double occupancy. Most share a spacious bathroom, complete with large sinks and hot showers. All are spacious, super luxurious, airy, bright and cozy, Warrior style. Each room has its own unique, attractive décor with tile floors, and half have ocean views. Each sleeps 2 and is priced per person. Pick your passion:

  • Oceanview Go Big Girl (only 4 rooms, sleeps 8, act fast):  
  •  HUGE Family Style Villa, Ocean View Loft (only 1 room, sleeps 2):
  •  Gardenview Girl (most affordable, 5 rooms available, sleeps 10):  
  •  Rollaway Bed Girl (save 10%, only 3 available):  

*There are 4 Oceanview rooms, on the North Quadrant.  The first 4 ladies to apply, and get approved, will get the BEST view of the 4 rooms, which is the 2 rooms on the top floor, offering an absolutely stunning view of the ocean. Don’t wait. Get the best view, girlfriend!

**3 rollaway Queen beds are available and they’re super comfy. We’ll pair you up with one of the Double Occupancy rooms, based on who we think you’ll vibe with.

Prices are per person, unless stated otherwise. All rooms are shared with 2 people, sleeping in queen beds or rollaways. There are NO single rooms available.

Secure your spot with a $500 deposit. All remaining payments are due within 2 months of the retreat. Payment plans available, by request.



SAVE $500 if you book BEFORE 12pm PT, July 1, 2018. (reflected in above rates)

The first 3 women who apply will receive one hour coaching session with Lunden and Diane!  Receive more clarity, support, guidance and motivation on your path to a braver, brighter you!


This is an application ONLY retreat.

If this speaks to your soul and is music to your mind, hit the apply button right now!


First off, spaces are extremely limited and since we’re all going to become ‘family’, it’s important we are able to hold trusting, loving space for one another.

Second, this will be such a special, sacred, unique immersion that it’s important that we hand-select the right women who truly are eager to transform and ready to receive these gifts we have planned for you.

In other words, if you’re looking to sip margaritas by the pool and do nothing, this is NOT the retreat for you.

This will be a beautiful balance of being challenged, replenished, energized, and adventurous.


We will review your application, and reply within 48 hours if your application is approved, and will send you instructions to secure your spot and prepare for your trip

If you are accepted, first off Congratulations.

Second, once it’s official and you’ve secured your payment or deposit, you’ll receive unlimited assistance with your travel plans, so don’t have to worry about anything except which color bikinis and yoga pants to bring.


At the end of our journey together, we will have a professional photographer take beautiful full body and head shots of you. By this point, you'll remember just how gorgeous and powerful you truly are… so why not show it off? Whether you use them for your personal branding, your dating profile, or just keep them for yourself, you'll have captivating photos that remind you of how amazing you truly are!

The world is ready for more of you, are you ready for more of you? We think that you are!

Your Questions Answered

(after which, you’ll be all systems GO)

Get in touch

Leave your name and email below along with any questions you have about this retreat in the message box. Or you can call us at 916.36.KAZER


The body you want, the energy you desire, the life you deserve.

Work With Us

If you'd like to explore working together to recover your health with the support of myself & my team...

This Could Be You

Our miraculous clients testimonials will give you hope, no matter how many doctors you've seen & things you tried!

Meet the Team

Our team has MAD warrior wisdom to help you build the body you want with the vitality you deserve.

Toxins Quiz

Are Toxins the Root of your Symptoms? Take this Quiz to find out AND receive Actionable Steps Based on your Score + FREE Detox Ebook

BII Resources

Suspect you might be suffering from symptoms of Breast implant Illness? Check out our powerful list of resources to guide your healing journey.


CHI Supplements!

Diane designed this Total Body System, to Ignite your Core Beauty, Energy & Immunity foundations. High quality formulas you'll FEEL

Detox Supplement Line

Explore our range of supplements for detoxing, parasite cleansing and building the foundations you need to Ignite your Core Beauty, Energy & Immunity foundations.
High quality formulas you'll FEEL.

Killer Breasts Book

Got breast Implants? Mysterious symptoms and no one knows why? Silicone Suffering to Self-Love Sovereignty, this book is a MUST read!

How We Help Patients

Learn how we support our patients, through our 1-on-1 and self guided programs, there are options for everyone that is ready to start their healing journey.


Join us October 21st - 24th for the Warrior Tribe 2021 Fall Retreat in Sedona.


Free your Toxins and Trauma with the Cleanse, Heal, Ignite podcast!


Be first in the know, we wrote these for you.


The body you want, the energy you desire, the life you deserve.

Work With Us

If you'd like to explore working together to recover your health with the support of myself & my team...

This Could Be You

Our miraculous clients testimonials will give you hope.

Meet the Team

Our team has MAD warrior wisdom to help you build the body you want with the vitality you deserve.

Media Love

Our interviews, your inspiration. Radio, print, videos, TV.


Travel. Tribe. Transformation. Retreat and Meet us live.

Detox Supplement Line

Explore our range of supplements for detoxing, parasite cleansing and building the foundations you need to Ignite your Core Beauty, Energy & Immunity foundations. High quality formulas you'll FEEL.

Toxins Quiz

Are Toxins the Root of your Symptoms? Take this Quiz to find out AND receive Actionable Steps Based on your Score + FREE Detox Ebook

Killer Breasts Book

Got breast Implants? Mysterious symptoms and no one knows why? Silicone Suffering to Self-Love Sovereignty, this book is a MUST read!

How We Help Patients

Learn how we support our patients, through our 1-on-1 and self guided programs, there are options for everyone that is ready to start their healing journey.

BII Resources

Suspect you might be suffering from symptoms of Breast implant Illness? Check out our powerful list of resources to guide your healing journey.


Join us October 21st - 24th for the Warrior Tribe 2021 Fall Retreat in Sedona.


Free your Toxins and Trauma with the Cleanse, Heal, Ignite podcast!


Be first in the know, we wrote these for you.


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